Ovulation is the release ofa mature egg from the ovary. It signals the beginning of your fertile period. After the egg is released, the empty follicle on the ovary is converted to a structure known as the corpus luteum. It then begins to secrete progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone needed to support a potential pregnancy. If pregnancy doesn't occur, the corpus luteum shrivels up, stopping the secretion of progesterone, and triggering the start of a menstrual period.
FSH main responsibility is stimulating the growth of ovarian follicles. A follicle is a small cyst that contains an egg. FSH levels are lowest at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and then go up,helping a follicle to grow and the egg to mature. At this time, the follicles release estradiol. These higher levels of estradiol tell the pituitary gland to produce less FSH. Conversely, if you have fewer folicles, less estradiol is released, the pituitary gland never receives the signal that it hasto cease producing FSH, leading to higher FSH levels.
During the first trimester, hCG levels rise steadily and rapidly, peaking around 10 weeks' gestation, and subsequently taper off to less than 10% of peak levels. By the end of the third month it has reached a low level which will remain constant for the duration of the pregnancy.
Product Parameters
Detection Project |
Use Environment |
Indoor use |
Detection method |
Chromatographic immunoassay |
Service Life |
3 years |
Product Features
1. Easy to understand; One-step test, easy to use.
2. Fast testing; Read the result at 3 minutes.
3. Clear display; Easy visually interpretation.
4. High sensitivity; Fast response and sensitivity